Haskap berries, called the Fruit of Life” in their native Japan; are taking over in the superberry arena. And now they are locally grown in Perth, ON!
With three times more antioxidants than blueberries and more vitamin C than an orange*, it’s no wonder haskap berries are being called the new “superberry”.
Haskap berries are roughly oval in shape with soft, dark blue skin and juicy vibrant purple flesh. The exact shape and size of the berry are largely dependent on the variety of the haskap plant. Here at Stonetable, we have five varieties, each with its own unique characteristics but all five are incredibly delicious!
Although they have their own unique taste, they have been described as a combination of blueberry, raspberry, and black current with a bit of an added zing. They are both sweet and tart, with nearly unnoticeable seeds, making them a delicious snack and great addition to your meals and recipes!
Not only are they delicious and easy to incorporate into your diet but they’re also incredibly nutritious! With three times more antioxidants than blueberries and more vitamin C than an orange*, it’s no wonder haskap berries are being called the new “superberry”. These superberries also have high levels of vitamin A, potassium, and fibre. Several studies have researched the health benefits associated with haskap berries and have found they can help protect cardiac and neurological systems, help reduce inflammation, and have anti-cancer properties.
Interested in growing your own? Read this article by Dr. Bob Bors, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan.
*The potential health benefits of haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.): Role of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside
Use them anywhere you’d use OTHER berries — on cereal, oatmeal & IcE cream or in Smoothies, jams, syrups & sauces.
There is nothing like the sweet burst of tang when you pop a haskap in your mouth. Our family finds them quite addictive (especially the frozen ones). But we don’t just eat them raw. We’ve come up with a bunch of recipes at Stonetable—from pancakes to bread to even haskap ketchup—don’t knock it, it’s amazing on your favourite burger with a little brie.
Use them anywhere you’d use blueberries, raspberries, and other berries; like on cereal or oatmeal, jams, syrups, and more. The great thing about these berries is you can use them in many of your favourite berry recipes.If you need more inspiration just check out some of ours.
Don’t miss out on our farmgate frozen haskap berries, they’re perfect for cooking all year long. Yum! With so much goodness, you’re going to want to add these to your daily menu.
We will post the locations of our fresh berries here and on social media in May. We are so happy to have some amazing venues join our team. For updates on new products and retailers follow us @stonetablehaskaps on Instagram.
Please contact us if you would like to reserve a 10K box of frozen haskaps.
Honey is an excellent source of antioxidants, helps with digestive issues, can soothe sore throats, is cardio protective and much, much more
Honey, we got honey!
We love all our queens and their busy little honeybees! Without them, there would be no haskap berries. That means no haskap smoothies, haskap ice cream, haskap salad dressing or haskap pie! We would be missing out on all these mouth-watering recipes and all the incredible added nutrients that haskaps provide! Here at Stonetable, we currently have eleven hives that busily pollinate our haskap plants each spring, making it possible for us to provide you with these wonderful berries.
These hard-working bees don’t just pollinate our plants, they also make some of the most delicious honey we’ve ever tasted. Honey is an excellent source of antioxidants, helps with digestive issues, can soothe sore throats, is cardio protective and much, much more. Honey is a perfect natural and healthy sugar substitute that can be added to baking, smoothies, yogurt, teas and more!
Let's get social
Just a little news
Just the occasional newsletter with a recipe or two and an advanced update of haskap availability. We hate spam too!

This orchard is our dream and we are so happy to share it with you.
♥ The Noonans
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